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Software categories
Buyer Property Matching
Corporate Real Estate Management
Brokerage Management
Buyer Qualification
Call Management
Cost Management
Affordable Housing
Association Management
CAD/CAM and Modeling
Client Management
Contact Management

Affordable Housing

Price: contactl company | Upgrade: free | Copies sold: 0 - 49
Current version: 6.4 | Year released: 2005 | Year updated: 2005

  • printed manual
  • on-line help
  • on disk

Property management has never been easier with MultiSite; a comprehensive, user-friendly ASP-hosted software solution.

Whether you manage one site or a thousand sites, MultiSite addresses all your property management needs with one simple tool.

With both centralized and standalone components, MultiSite streamlines site management activity, dramatically reducing the time you now spend working in other software applications.

MultiSite services companies with a mixed bag of properties. All Affordable Housing types, Conventional, Commercial and mixed use types.

MultiSite features include:

• Enterprise class system. Manage all your properties via the Internet. MultiSite's efficient model uses application servers and database servers, resulting in scalability and performance gains.

• Portfolio based. Users can work on hundreds of properties simultaneously from the same software screen.

• Lease based tenant system that automatically maintains a complete tenant history.

• Integration between tenant management activities and the general accounting system. Each module can automatically transfers activities to the General Ledger, including tenant tracking, AP, and Cash Management transactions.

• Seamless Modules include Tenants; Employee; Maintenance; AP; GL; Cash Management; Maintenance; Work Orders; Assets; Inventory; Tax Credit; RD; and HUD.

• ASP architecture makes the transition from your current solution to MultiSite fast and affordable. There is no expensive initial purchase of software, maintenance fees, or technical support, and there are no lengthy installations.

• The test of time. MultiSite property management system has been in development and practical use for 9 years.

Call for an appointment to see our live Internet demonstration, or visit our website at

Brent Lawrence
President of MultiSite Systems, LLC

Computer operating systems:
  • Windows Me/98/95 or earlier
  • Windows NT/2000/XP
Software rating: 5.00 (of 5) - 2 votes

MultiSite Systems, LLC
404 Thornwood Dr.
Jamestown, NC 27282
Contact: Brent Lawrence
Phone: 336-454-0147
Year business started: 1996

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