Price: contact company |
Upgrade: contact company |
Copies sold: 50 - 99
Current version: 3.0 |
Year released: 2001 |
Year updated: 2004
Documentation: on-line help
Description: PMAS, llc has created "the most comprehensive, integrated accounting and property management system on the market," to quote a number of consultants, prospects and clients. Over the past 30 years, the PMAS family of products has evolved to become the best software on the market for the professional management of real estate.
PMAS version 3.0 was released in July 2001. PMAS is now platform and database independent. This is a significant achievement and marks the first time that any property management software can operate on such a wide spectrum of hardware and database platforms. PMAS can now operate on the IBM I-series or AS/400 computer for larger property management firms and personal computers with Microsoft Windows for smaller firms. The functionality of PMAS on all platforms is the same.
PMAS,llc, a Rockville, Maryland, software firm specializing in real estate software, just announced enhancements to the first platform and database independent property management software solution on the market today.
John Stalick, President of PMAS, states, "PMAS version 3.0 is a monumental achievement. No one can claim to be completely platform and database independent in our industry. Our solutions can run on the IBM I-Series and AS/400 platform as well as on personal computers with Microsoft Windows. We can utilize something as large as IBM's DB2 database or as small as the Paradox database."
John continues, "Our initial thrust will be to market this new release to the residential market where we now have software that can be used at the site level. Residential management firms can now grow with us as their needs expand." Some of the residential modules include:
- Residential Property Management and Accounting
- Basic Residential Tenant, Unit and Property Management Software
- Work Order and Preventative Maintenance
- Software for the Affordable Housing Industry
- Section 42 Tax Credit
"This will change things significantly," says Stalick. "We're talking about a quantum leap in software functionality for property managers. Our family of products has evolved over the past 28 years to a functionally deep and cost-competitive software solution for both small and large property management firms."
The PMAS version 3.0 release offers management firms options with respect to on-site or remote processing. All stages of the rental process are tracked from guest cards to move-out. You can grow with this family from single to multiple users, from rent roll capability to full accounting and financial systems. The latest Internet, report writer and database tools are utilized to continue the tradition of PMAS for being the technology leader in the property management software industry.
Computer operating systems: Windows Me/98/95 or earlier
Windows NT/2000/XP
Web based
IBM I series and AS/400