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Pricing: $129 | Current Version: 5.5 | Year Release:2002

The unit sales/subdivision analysis is designed for the valuation/analysis of subdivisions and other types of developments where the income stream is generated by the sale of individual units. Features:

• Project cash flows monthly, quarterly semi-annually or annually.
• Set [...]
Pricing: $25 /Month | Current Version: 2.0 | Year Release:1999

Virtual Office is the next generation Real Estate Appraisal tracking system. Virtual Office is designed specifically for the appraisal company. This web-based product features full client and appraiser order tracking as well as report delivery and retrieval capabilities.

Field appraisers can [...]
Pricing: $799-$1199 | Current Version: 4 | Year Release:1995

WinTOTAL is the world's most popular real estate appraisal software. The reason is simple: easy-to-use, advanced features with superior service at a price well below the rest of the market. WinTOTAL comes in three versions: Standard, Professional and Enterprise.

WinTOTAL Standard is in many [...]

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