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Software categories
Buyer Property Matching
Corporate Real Estate Management
Brokerage Management
Buyer Qualification
Call Management
Cost Management
Affordable Housing
Association Management
CAD/CAM and Modeling
Client Management
Contact Management


Price: $650 | Upgrade: $100 | Copies sold: 100 - 999
Current version: 1.8 | Year released: 2002 | Year updated: 2005

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AppraisalGear commercial appraisal software gives you the ability to incorporate the same format you have today using our program. You won't lose any personalization that you have currently, simply take an existing appraisal you have today and turn it into an automated template using our Narrative Report Generator.

Merge all of your existing spreadsheets into one comprehensive report. Our program will automatically fill in the values into all of your appraisal spreadsheets and automatically do your calculations for you. Or, merge your commercial appraisal data into the following spreadsheets (provided):

Rental Comp Analysis
Mortgage Equity Band of Investment Analysis
Cost Approach Analysis
Cost Approach Calculations
Improved Sales Analysis with Adjustments
Discounted Cash Flow Analysis
Income Valuation
Land Value – Market Approach to Value
Save all of your comparables to our Access Database. We will even help you import your existing comps from your current database to our database.

The program will also create your map files to import into Microsoft Streets & Trips, Microsoft MapPoint, and Delorme.

Import all of your photos and addendums with a click of the mouse.

Our Narrative Report Generator then outputs your reports to a single Microsoft Word document for you to print or send electronically as an Adobe PDF file.

Computer operating systems:
  • Windows NT/2000/XP
Software rating: n/a

P.O. Box 41043
Memphis, MI 48041
Contact: Daniel Weaver
Phone: 810-300-0982
Year business started: 1996

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