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Pricing: $495 | Current Version: 12 | Year Release:1984

Evaluate your investment property with our Real Estate Investment Analysis (REIA) Standard Edition software. With its easy to learn, user-friendly interface REIA gives you detailed financial reports to show the true income potential of commercial and residential income properties.
Produce revenue [...]
Pricing: $7.95 | Current Version: 1 | Year Release:2002

No more carrying paper into the field. Capture all your inspection information on your PDA. Print your reports back at the office. REInspect support the ability to draw diagrams of the parcel and the building. Automatic calculations for $/Sq Ft of building, $/Sq Ft of land area, and land to building [...]
Pricing: $149 | Current Version: 4.05.16 | Year Release:2002

THE REAL STORY is a software application to analyze income producing properties.

Incredibly fast and easy to use, it is based on Microsoft’s Excel, but absolutely no knowledge of Excel is required. It will quickly determine the appropriate price for an income-producing property, based upon [...]

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