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Buyer Property Matching
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Pricing: $19.95 and up | Current Version: 4.1 | Year Release:2003

We know how to give you the competitive edge in today's Do-Not-Call environment. Our lead-generating interactive sign riders and advertisements represent the most innovative change in real estate signage in over 40 years. Now, your sign advertises your listings and captures new qualified leads for you. [...]
Pricing: ASP is user based | Current Version: 3.1 | Year Release:2001

iCohere provides collaboration software for web communities, workgroups and organizations. Typical applications include project collaboration, distance learning, extranets, and communities of practice.
iCohere also hosts online conferences. [...]
Pricing: $180-$600 | Current Version: 2.003 | Year Release:2002

Simply the best processing and transaction management software. Specifically designed to speed up the transaction, reduce errors, and enhance communications between the buyer, seller and all vendors.

Agents will have at their finger tips information and reports that will help them grow their [...]

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