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Pricing: $999 | Current Version: 2.99 | Year Release:2002

New Image Mobile Office™ is a total business solution which enables mobile professionals to conduct business from where they work. Track contacts, write letters and proposals, issue P.O.s, maintain your calendar and process email from anywhere. You can even synchronize your data with other New Image Mobile [...]
Pricing: $69.95/$49.95 | Current Version: 7 | Year Release:2000

MyPostageRateSaver is the all-in-one, cost effective direct mail software solution that can save you up to 80% on postage costs.

If you regularly mail 200 pieces or more, you qualify for discounted postage. MyPostageRateSaver Silver or Gold give you the tools you need to effectively correct [...]
Pricing: $99 | Current Version: 2004-2716-3 | Year Release:1985

PASSPORT PC TO HOST is a powerful Windows-based terminal emulation suite designed specifically for TCP/IP communication to IBM mainframe, AS/400, and UNIX applications.

As one of the market's very first IP-based connectivity solutions, the mature, feature-rich package is an ideal replacement [...]

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