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Buyer Property Matching
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Pricing: contact company | Current Version: 1.0 | Year Release:2003

Construction Selection Advantage assists home builders with the selection process - selecting fixtures, appliances, tile, etc.

Provides project management for the home building process managing vendors, contractors etc. Creates and manages work orders, change orders and automatically generates [...]
Pricing: $10/month and up | Current Version: 01 | Year Release:2004

Construction scheduling software is a simple program to schedule construction tasks online. The interface is simple to understand and easy to use. The benefits of construction scheduling online is that all contractors and engineers are able to view and edit the schedule from any computer with an internet [...]
Pricing: contact sales | Current Version: v3.0 | Year Release:1990

BuildIt™ reduces the risk of delays resulting in operating revenue losses by ensuring proper communication and effective scheduling through a real-time collaboration environment integrated with leading CAD software. Controls costs through its online bid and contract management functionality. Reduced [...]

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