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Buyer Property Matching
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Price: $9,900 | Upgrade: free | Copies sold: 100 - 999
Current version: 3.6.0 | Year released: 1998 | Year updated: 2004

  • printed manual
  • on-line help
  • on disk

Construction Lending for Windows (CL4W) is an easy-to-use construction loan tracking and fund control system designed to meet the needs of most construction lenders. The capabilities of CL4W equal or exceed other systems that cost much more.

With CL4W you can have up-to-date information and respond quickly to voucher requests and inspection demands at the touch of a key. CL4W sharply reduces fund control accounting problems while providing better service. CL4W will fit your budget as well as your requirements.

The following can only briefly describe the system's features, but you can take CL4W for a test drive. A full-featured evaluation version is available--not a slide show demo, but the actual system (limited to five loans) that you can run with your data.

• Loan/project management
• Fund control
• Accruals
• Reporting

Summary of benefits:
• Process more construction loans with fewer people. Construction lending is profitable; it can be even more so by eliminating fund control services and reducing clerical overhead.
• Sharply reduce fund-control accounting problems while providing better service. You can have up-to-date information and respond to voucher requests and inspection demands at a keystroke.
• The system provides total fund control. Advance funds in draws or advance directly as each voucher request is presented for payment.
• Reduce your risk. Actual and potential cost overruns are easy to spot using draw cost analysis and project budget reports.
• The data is in your computer, no waiting for reports or delayed posting. Retrieve loan/project information in less time than it takes to walk to the file cabinet.
• Full payee/vendor information including year-to-date activity. Required reporting for 1099s, requests for missing tax identification numbers, and backup withholding is as easy as pressing a key.
• The fast check feature can cut a check in less than 30 seconds. Check/voucher printing can be customized to print on your existing forms.
• Customer statements can be produced at any time showing balances, transactions, interest rate changes and interest accrual.
• We have users who have doubled their construction loan portfolio and slashed their processing expense without adding staff.

Computer operating systems:
  • Windows Me/98/95 or earlier
  • Windows NT/2000/XP
Software rating: n/a

Weston & Muir
PO Box 868
Del Mar, CA 92014
Contact: Steve Weston
Phone: 800-487-5655
Year business started: 1984

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