Price: $30,000 |
Upgrade: $20,000 |
Copies sold: 0 - 49
Current version: MS2001 |
Year released: 2001 |
Year updated: 1998
Documentation: on-line help
Description: The Madison Associate Home Builder Base System does the following:
1. Define all of your subdivisions or neighborhoods
2. Define all Lots and Blocks
3. Define all Plans and indicate what plans may be built in a Subdivision.
4. Change Order Processing. A request that a customer wants is entered into the system. Paper work is generated for the customer to sign. The request is then sent to the pricing/estimator person (department) via e-mail with an attached Spreadsheet that they approve or reject if the request is not feasible for the customer's plan.
If the request is doable, the pricing coordinator estimates at a cost center level the company cost and the customer's price for the request. The request is returned to the dales office and/or design studio for the customer's final acceptance. If the customer accepts the cost for doing the change order, the documentation is integrated with all of the other options and changes to produce the contractual paperwork for closing.
5. Define employees with job type and security level. The security level defines what functions the employee is able to do. Their e-mail address is defined so that if they are located at a different office (sale office, design studio, pricing, home office, etc.) their information is sent to their workstation.
6. Maintain options and color selections by neighborhood and plan.
7. Generate the contractual paperwork that the builder and home buyer signs and is sent to the mortgage company.
Computer operating systems: Windows Me/98/95 or earlier
Software rating: n/a
Madison Associates
2022 Greenstone Trail
Carrollton, TX 75010
Contact: Lawrence Madison
Phone: 972-395-7294
Year business started: 1990
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