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Buyer Property Matching
Corporate Real Estate Management
Brokerage Management
Buyer Qualification
Call Management
Cost Management
Affordable Housing
Association Management
CAD/CAM and Modeling
Client Management
Contact Management


Price: $750–$4,500 | Upgrade: contact company | Copies sold: 10,000 or more
Current version: 5.5 | Year released: 1979 | Year updated: 2003

  • printed manual
  • on-line help

You don't have to know computer jargon to make the most of Master Contractor. This accounting program guides the user step-by-step through each transaction by asking the right questions in easy-to-understand language. Master Contractor was designed by contractors, especially for contractors, to fit the needs of your complex business whether you are a general contractor, home builder or subcontractor. We even have a full-time licensed contractor on our staff.

We offer the superior package because we have spent more than a decade perfecting a system that makes the transition to computerized accounting easy. As a matter of fact, DASI ranked change to No. 1 in a March 1992 survey done of AGC contractors in Florida.

Master Contractor is a fully integrated job cost accounting system, not just a repackaged accounting system like many on the market today. Ideal for large as well as small contractors, the system is multiuser and can be run under several of the most popular networking systems.

Master Contractor is modular in design. You can install any of our many modules to run by themselves or integrate them together as a total solution. The modules that are available are: general ledger, job cost/accounts payable, payroll, accounts receivable, purchase orders, estimating and inventory control.

Unique features like "browse and fetch" and "quick add" make Master Contractor the easiest to use, most comprehensive accounting system available. With "browse and fetch," you can scan a listing of all existing records and fetch the one you need when the system asks you to enter a master file (such as job number, cost code, supplier code, customer ID, employee number, etc.). If the information does not exist, you can "quick add" it without having to exit the program you are using.

Other features include a pop-up calculator for on-screen calculations, on-screen calendar and built-in help screens. All systems are provided with user reference manuals and, of course, we offer software support by telephone and modem.

Find out why Data Automation Services International (DASI) is the most established name in accounting software. Master Contractor is the system most often recommended by CPAs and contractors.

Computer operating systems:
  • DOS
  • Windows Me/98/95 or earlier
  • Windows NT/2000/XP
Software rating: n/a

DASI (Data Automation Services International, Inc.)
PO Box 1319
Alachua, FL 32616-1319
Contact: Bill Cuartero
Phone: 800-449-3274
Year business started: 1979

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