Price: contact company |
Upgrade: contact company |
Copies sold: 1,000 - 9,999
Current version: |
Year released: 2000 |
Year updated: 2004
Documentation: on-line help
Description: ViewMyListing is a unique Web-based tool available as an individual license or company license.
It is exclusively integrated with the Pro Gold office management system to provide agents with up to date information on contacts, listings, showings, appointments, billing / invoicing, etc.
Sellers attached to a company employing the system are also granted access to VML via a secure login procedure, allowing them to view up-to-date progress reports... anywhere, anytime, online.
This advanced communication link between the company, the agent, and seller reduces expired listings and increases inventory when used as a listing advantage by the agent.
In addition to daily task management tools (contact management, listing management, appt management, showing management), agents also receive automatic notifications of price evaluation requests; listing expiration warnings; and inventory control notifications.
VML maintains entensive online and physical (paper based) marketing systems to assist with prospecting activities and lead incubation processes.
VML's unique automatic showing feedback processes assist agents with obtaining the results of showing appointments from co-broke agents, and provide the sellers with honest, up to date feedback at the same time.
VML is an advanced communication system with management capabilities. VML's integration to the Pro Gold office management system, and seller access make it the premier online management system available to real estate agents and companies alike.
Computer operating systems: Web based