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Buyer Property Matching
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Cost Management

Price: $115 | Upgrade: free | Copies sold: 10,000 or more
Current version: 4 | Year released: 1999 | Year updated: 2003

  • printed manual
  • on-line help
  • on disk

RECOVER printing costs quickly and efficiently with Print Audit 4. In the past, organizations used to calculate how much to charge their clients for out-of-pocket expenses by manually tracking print volumes. This method was unreliable, time-consuming and screamed out for automation. Print Audit 4 gives you the ability to accurately bill clients for recoverable expenses.

Major Features:

• Stopping the print job until the user has entered the required information

• Redirection of expensive print jobs to lower cost printers

• Default entries and drop down choices that make Print Audit 4 incredibly
quick to use

• User quotas for printing

• Security that insures Print Audit 4 can not be overridden

• Flexible reporting that allows you to decide what information is needed and how to present it.

Computer operating systems:
  • Windows Me/98/95 or earlier
  • Windows NT/2000/XP
Software rating: n/a

Print Audit
3123 48 Street SW
Calgary, Alberta Canada T3E 3X6
Contact: John Macinnes
Phone: 403-685-4932
Year business started: 1999

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