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Design Engineering
Feasibility Analysis
Floor Plans
Deed Plotting
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Floor Schedules
Forms And Contracts
Escrow Management
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Financial Management
Front Desk System

Feasibility Analysis

Price: $295 | Upgrade: $50 | Copies sold: 1,000 - 9,999
Current version: 2.0 | Year released: 1985 | Year updated: 2004

  • on-line help
  • on disk

Designed for brokers, business owners, landlords, tenants and leasing specialists, this easy-to-use program allows you to review and evaluate the present values of revenues and costs for up to 6 different leases, comparing varying provisions for base rent and CPIs, pass-through expenses, amortizable build-outs and much more.

Compare and analyze commercial and industrial real estate leases easily and accurately. Program is ideal for anyone who negotiates real estate leases; use the data to determine the terms and conditions that suit you best.

"Several years ago I was looking for a comprehensive real estate analysis program for our professional staff to use in the evaluation of commercial real estate properties held in our many fiduciary accounts. That search led me to RealData as a model resource for the type of investment evaluation we were requiring.

At the time we purchased this software, we did not realize the valuable assistance its president, Frank Gallinelli, would render to our group. Frank is an experienced teacher and has conducted several classes for our nationwide group. While the software is excellent, the quality of his presentations has broadened the knowledge base of our team. We look forward to many more years of working closely with RealData and its staff."

William B. Ellisor
Senior Vice President
Group Manager
Personal Trust Real Estate Group
First Union National Bank
Jacksonville, FL

Computer operating systems:
  • Windows Me/98/95 or earlier
  • Windows NT/2000/XP
Software rating: n/a

RealData, Inc.
P. O. Box 691
Southport, CT 06890
Contact: Roxanne Kazimer
Phone: 800-899-6060
Year business started: 1981

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