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Software categories
Design Engineering
Feasibility Analysis
Floor Plans
Deed Plotting
Energy Management
Expert System
Financial Analysis
Floor Schedules
Forms And Contracts
Escrow Management
Farming Management
Financial Management
Front Desk System

Feasibility Analysis

Price: $99.95 | Upgrade: $40 | Copies sold: 1,000 - 9,999
Current version: 2.0 | Year released: 2000 | Year updated: 2003

  • printed manual
  • on disk

Finally, a comprehensive guide on how to successfully plan, finance, and build any residential or commercial project. This package includes tons of good, practical advice on literally every aspect of development. Ideal for beginning investors and seasoned pros alike. Includes all the forms, checklists and business plan you'll need to get your project approved.

Includes tips and secrets on how to: select a site, conquer local opposition, prepare a winning business plan, analyze the numbers, deal with environmental, zoning, and political problems, obtain financing from lenders and investors, and solve the numerous obstacles you'll encounter. Call for more information and a free catalog of real estate software.

Computer operating systems:
  • DOS
  • Windows Me/98/95 or earlier
  • Windows NT/2000/XP
Software rating: n/a

Z-Law Software, Inc.
PO Box 40602
Providence, RI 02940-0602
Contact: Gary Sherman
Phone: 800-526-5588
Year business started: 1991

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