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Financial Analysis

Price: $79.95 | Upgrade: $39.95 | Copies sold: 1,000 - 9,999
Current version: 2.01 | Year released: 2000 | Year updated: 2003

  • on-line help
  • on disk

On Target is a real estate software package that was designed to financially analyze commercial and residential income properties. It provides the financial tools to analyze and compare investment real estate. On Target generates ten-year future projections with up to three mortgages. Projections for mortgage principal, interest, debt service, tax liability, operating expenses, taxable income, before- and after-tax cash flow, before- and after-tax sales proceeds, before and after-tax future wealth, IRR cash flow, MIRR future wealth, capitalization rate, gross rent multiplier, debt to equity, cash-on-cash return, loan-to-value ratio, debt coverage ratio and more are possible. The software generates 27 different graphics, line, bar, area and pie graphs, from the report data.

Projections are based on your assumptions for income growth rate, expense growth rate and appreciation growth rate. Growth rates can be run out at constant values for the ten-year period or modified year-to-year.

The software was designed to analyze partnership situations. Each partner in a real estate investment can run through their percentage participation and special tax situation (active participant, passive participant or real estate professional) and generate all of the reports and graphs for their percentage of the investment.

Residential income property investors can use a feature that ranks residential properties based on the physical condition of the property, neighborhood safety and neighborhood convenience. The investor is not limited to a financial view of the property.

A number of updates have been included in the new 2.01 version of On Target released on June 15, 2002. The new updates include an executive summary of the critical data from the detailed reports, an observations section that assists in the financial analysis of an investment, a cover page for professionals, discounted cash flows, generic operating expense items that can be given any name, additional graphics, interest-only loans, interest-only loans with a balloon payment, one future loan (refinancing)and an improved help facility.

The following new ratios have been added; debt-to-equity, gross income multiplier, operating expense ratio, net income ratio and mortgage constant.

Computer operating systems:
  • Windows Me/98/95 or earlier
  • Windows NT/2000/XP
Software rating: n/a

Advantage Software, LLC
N2610 Summerville Park Rd.
Lodi, WI 53555
Contact: Gary Hackbart
Phone: 608-592-5945
Year business started: 1999

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