Price: $49 |
Upgrade: free |
Copies sold: 50 - 99
Current version: 4.4 |
Year released: 1997 |
Year updated: 2003
Documentation: on-line help
on disk
Description: Property management software designed specifically for landlords. Records information about owners, properties, mortgages and tenants. Tracks incomes and expenses. Lots of graphs and reports to keep you up to date with the progress of your properties. Includes investment analyzer —- see if your portfolio of properties is working for you or not. Mortgage and depreciation calculators included.
Computer operating systems: Windows Me/98/95 or earlier
Windows NT/2000/XP
Software rating: n/a
PO Box 2902
Avondale, Auckland New Zealand
Contact: Andrew Keat
Year business started: 1997
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