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Software categories
Geographic Information System (GIS)
Land Records Management
Loan Auditing
Loan Qualifying
Mortgage Banking
Inventory Control
Listings Management
Loan Origination
Loan Servicing
Market Analysis
Home Improvement
Investment Analysis
Lease Analysis/management
Loan Analysis
Loan Processing
Maintenance Management
Multiple Listing Service (MLS)

Loan Analysis

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Pricing: free | Current Version: 4.5 | Year Release:1996

This free software is a mortgage analysis program that also prepares the homeowner for establishing a biweekly mortgage payment service account at no cost. An auditing program is also included with 6 months of service use. [...]
Pricing: free | Current Version: 4.5 | Year Release:1996

This free software shows homeowners how to pay off their mortgage years earlier, saving thousands of dollars, without changing their loan agreement. The software will walk you through a loan analysis and then provide the paperwork to join the Mortgage Manager service at no cost. [...]
Pricing: $19.95 | Current Version: 1.1.01 | Year Release:2001

Finding and purchasing the right home is a complex task that many people do rarely. However, few purchase decisions can have a greater impact on your quality of life. We designed and built PDA Home Buying Guide to help Palm OS consumers get a better handle on the house search and purchase process. Features [...]

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