RealEstate Web Design  
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Software categories
Geographic Information System (GIS)
Land Records Management
Loan Auditing
Loan Qualifying
Mortgage Banking
Inventory Control
Listings Management
Loan Origination
Loan Servicing
Market Analysis
Home Improvement
Investment Analysis
Lease Analysis/management
Loan Analysis
Loan Processing
Maintenance Management
Multiple Listing Service (MLS)

Loan Analysis

Price: $300 | Upgrade: $50 | Copies sold: 0 - 49
Current version: 30320 | Year released: 2002 | Year updated: 2003

  • printed manual
  • on-line help
  • on disk

Show Savings (in Time and Money)

Faster than a calculator, more thorough than a spread sheet, the Loan Analyzer and Differentiator Software shows how a loan is much more than just rates and fees.

No need to re-enter data. Simply export from Point(R)from Calyx (R) Software. [Interfaces, Prospect Marketing]

The performance of the loan is thoroughly analyzed and differentiated from other loans.

Properly match the loan to the borrower’s needs, goals, and preferences.

Whether a first mortgage or a refinance, the Loan Analyzer and Differentiator helps you sell more loans, get more referrals, and be a trusted and respected advisor to your borrowers.

For either short-term or long-term borrowers you earn their confidence and prove you have their best interests in mind. Identify small subtle differences between loan programs that can create life-changing differences.

Computer operating systems:
  • Windows Me/98/95 or earlier
  • Windows NT/2000/XP
Software rating: n/a

Agosoft, Inc.
5492 Southwood
Antioch, CA 94531
Contact: Marketing
Phone: 925-753-1287
Year business started: 1989

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