RealEstate Web Design  
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Software categories
Geographic Information System (GIS)
Land Records Management
Loan Auditing
Loan Qualifying
Mortgage Banking
Inventory Control
Listings Management
Loan Origination
Loan Servicing
Market Analysis
Home Improvement
Investment Analysis
Lease Analysis/management
Loan Analysis
Loan Processing
Maintenance Management
Multiple Listing Service (MLS)

Loan Auditing

Price: $498 | Upgrade: contact company | Copies sold: 100 - 999
Current version: 2.0.b | Year released: 2004 | Year updated: 2005

  • on-line help

Designed for mortgage brokers and mortgage correspondent lenders ready to take the leap and own their own mortgage company OR for those managing or planning to manage a mortgage branch that need a written QC policy.

Written compliance and Quality Control plans are part of the foundation for a solid mortgage business.

Section I - Loan Compliance Made Simple™ is "plain speak" instruction about compliance with federal statutes and regulations and how loan officers can easily explain these issues with potential borrowers. After reading the manual, you will understand what is required, why and how to comply, how to disclose and explain the associated rights and forms to an applicant.

Section II - Implementing a Quality Control Program Made Simple™ explains how to implement a QC program for your company. It goes into detail about what's important and how to handle the challenges of QC from a smaller company's perspective.

Section III - Contains a complete template ready for your word processor to create a customized, professional printed manual for your company. It even has spine and cover templates for your company imprint and manual title.

Computer operating systems:
  • Windows Me/98/95 or earlier
  • Windows NT/2000/XP
Software rating: 5.00 (of 5) - 1 votes

EZdesk, Inc.
320 East Main Street
Suite 200
Murfreesboro, TN 37130
Contact: Paul Christison
Phone: 615-217-4545
Year business started: 1999

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