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Software categories
Geographic Information System (GIS)
Land Records Management
Loan Auditing
Loan Qualifying
Mortgage Banking
Inventory Control
Listings Management
Loan Origination
Loan Servicing
Market Analysis
Home Improvement
Investment Analysis
Lease Analysis/management
Loan Analysis
Loan Processing
Maintenance Management
Multiple Listing Service (MLS)


Price: $499 | Upgrade: N/A | Copies sold: 1,000 - 9,999
Current version: 9.86 | Year released: 1992 | Year updated: 2002

  • printed manual
  • on-line help
  • on disk

The Appraiser's ToolBox offers the complete software package for real estate appraiser. Our product offers the best value in appraisal software with its speed, simplicity, completeness and price.

The Appraiser's ToolBox has everything you need for your appraisal office: more than 300 forms, sketching, maps (separate cost), digital imaging, EDI, commercial and residential forms, and desktop property analysis. New capabilities unique to our software include:

• Appraiser's worksheet lets you analyze hundreds of comps instantly.
• Appraiser's photosheet lets you download from a camera, archive a photo for future use and insert it into a report in a matter of seconds. Using drag and drop simplicity, you can do in seconds what used to take at least half an hour.

The Appraiser's ToolBox is based on the simple concept of displaying one appraisal per window and storing it in one file -- forms, sketches, photos, maps, comments and exhibits. You will not waste time opening, loading and closing multiple windows.

The Appraiser's ToolBox is two to 15 times faster than anything on the market. Replace keystrokes with a single click. Create complete map addendums in less than 15 seconds. These features are important, as productivity is directly proportional to speed.

Computer operating systems:
  • Windows Me/98/95 or earlier
  • Windows NT/2000/XP
  • Macintosh
Software rating: n/a

Bradford Technologies
7174 Santa Teresa Blvd. A-2
San Jose, CA 95139
Contact: Analisa Travaglione
Phone: 800-622-8727
Year business started: 1986

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