RealEstate Web Design  
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Software categories
Office Buildings
Property Management, Special
Real Estate Owned (REO)
Office Management
Project Management
Portfolio Management
Property Management
Quality Assurance
Renter Property Matching
Resort Management

Portfolio Management

Price: varies | Upgrade: varies | Copies sold: 1,000 - 9,999
Current version: 3 | Year released: 2000 | Year updated: 2003

  • printed manual
  • on-line help

LeaseNet offers clients a unique and comprehensive way to organize the most complex and sophisticated asset portfolios and their associated contracts and documentation in a suite of secure, fully integrated administration tools.

Through LeaseNet’s easy to use, adaptable, web based software and services, DataNet helps consolidate critical contract information and improve back-end contract administration services. LeaseNet reduces the necessary resources for the administration of assets, legal and business procedures, as well as back office transactions.

Key Benefits of LeaseNet include:

Rapid, Cost Effective, Scalable, Flexible Deployment
Powerful Reporting
Granular Security
Standard Architecture
Flexible Licensing Options
Integrated Services

Computer operating systems:
  • Windows NT/2000/XP
  • Handheld PDA
  • Web based
Software rating: n/a

DataNet ECI
3570 East 12th Avenue
Suite 201
Denver, CO 80206
Contact: Drew Macdonald
Phone: 303-320-1800
Year business started: 1999

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