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Pricing: $7.95 | Current Version: 1 | Year Release:2002

Tired of carrying that paper checklist to your walk-thru? RECheck is a real estate walk-thru/inspection checklist. It provides a set of over 40 specific items to check as well as the option to make detailed notes and diagrams of your findings. With RECheck you can keep track of the details of your [...]
Pricing: $699 | Current Version: 5.0 | Year Release:2003

SmartSite is an advanced marketing solution designed for realtors and broker firms. It includes productivity tools to help the agents become "Top Producers".

SmartSite is more than just a website--it's a marketing powerhouse. [...]
Pricing: $21 | Current Version: 2.0.3 | Year Release:2004

SmartWin Professional gives you quick and easy access (1 to 5 keystrokes!) to any Windows resource such as files, folders, websites, and applications through a smart command prompt called by pressing Alt and Numpad plus together. It is used without mouse clicks involved and is based on keyboard shortcuts [...]

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