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Price: $29.95 | Upgrade: | Copies sold: 50 - 99
Current version: 2.1 | Year released: 2003 | Year updated: 2003

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  • on disk


DocSS is the most cost effective, most powerful single tool we have seen on the market today. Below are just a few features you will find in this product.

System Security. DocSS allows you to secure any cabinet, drawer, folder or document. You also have the ability to unlock any or all padlocks simultaneously.

Document Scanning. DocSS was designed around your ability to scan documents whether it be a single or multi page document. This program will consolidate multi-page documents into a single document saving time and disk space.

Back Up,Restore.We at GuPe„S feel that the time you have put forth and the contents of your system is extremely important to you. DocSS will flag you when to back up your system. DocSS will offer you the option of where to store to or automatically default to the hard drive.

Thumbnail. DocSS provides, for your convenience, the ability to view the document via a thumbnail sketch to reduce processing time.

Personal Customization. DocSS allows you to personalize your filing system in a manner that meets the layout you desire.

Transfer/Import/Export. DocSS allows you to transfer documents anywhere within your system with ease. Importing and exporting images, emails and documents is also made easy through DocSS.

Simplicity.DocSS was designed with simplicity in mind. Our goal was to cover an age range from 8 to 80 years old.

Custom Predefined Templates.To assist you in the designing of your personal filing system we have provided some basic templates that will provide for a basic structure. You have the option of whether or not to use these templates. You also have the option to modify them.

Sorting. Your ability to sort any column within the grid will help assist you in locating and organizing your system.

Search.DocSS provides a powerful search function that will assist you in locating information quickly.

Icons. Wherever possible DocSS will display icons representing the type of document present. This increases accuracy and speeds up processes.

Object Box. DocSS has provided a means to identify the rows within the grid. This becomes important when viewing long lists.

File Size. File sizes will be displayed for your convenience.This will assist you when performing exports and backups.

System Memory. DocSS will remember your settings when closing the application and reset to that location upon startup.

Computer operating systems:
  • Windows NT/2000/XP
Software rating: n/a

P.O. Box 571
Hartland, MI 48353-0571
Contact: Ray Schroer/Sales
Phone: 586-786-6900
Year business started: 2003

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