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Project Management

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Pricing: $995 | Current Version: 3.5 | Year Release:1995

Projecto is for any corporation or institution with a list of projects that need to be kept under control. Projecto can be used for simple tasks such as creating an agenda for your weekly project team meeting, plus more complex activities such as detailed tracking of budget line items, and changes to [...]
Pricing: $127 | Current Version: 1.5 | Year Release:2003

Project Charter, Activities, Tasks, Issues, Change Requests, Risks, Meetings and Action Items in one easy to use application. ProjectST is an affordable, no-nonsense project management solution for the small to mid-sized real estate office.

Pricing: $249 | Current Version: 4.0 | Year Release:2000

Prepare professional Gantt charts quickly and easily - by all projects or single project. Templates allow you to prepare polished reports and estimates.
Enter all info on one worksheet, dates and costs. One click, you have your Gantt chart. Export to other software or print to any size.

This [...]

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