Price: free |
Upgrade: free |
Copies sold: 0 - 49
Current version: 1.0 |
Year released: 2003 |
Year updated: 2003
Documentation: on-line help
Description: This program is designed to obtain the Critical Path Method planning solution(s) for small projects.
It solves the basic CPM problem only and is, therefore, very easy to learn and to use. All of the needed documentation is included in the program's help menu. The program was written as an alternative to the existing hard-to-learn, often needlessly feature-laden, and expensive programs that currently exist on the market.
Computer operating systems: Windows Me/98/95 or earlier
Windows NT/2000/XP
Software rating: n/a
Power Angle Software
2227 Kensington Ave
Salt Lake City, UT 84108
Contact: Steven Boyer
Phone: 801-581-1925 (Fax)
Year business started: 1990
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