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Office Buildings
Property Management, Special
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Project Management

Price: $299 | Upgrade: $149 | Copies sold: 10,000 or more
Current version: 8 | Year released: 1988 | Year updated: 2002

  • printed manual
  • on-line help
  • on disk

FastTrack Schedule 8 makes it easy to organize, track, and manage all your project details. Project plans come to life in rich, colorful schedules that clearly communicate project status and goals to colleagues and clients.

Whether you need to schedule a day's worth of activities or plan a multiyear project, FastTrack Schedule has the flexibility and power to work the way you do. With a bold new interface and a wealth of productivity features, the newest version of this award-winning project manager has all the tools you need to ensure project success.

With FastTrack Schedule 8 you can outline one or multiple projects, establish dependencies--even track the people, equipment and costs that are critical to project success. Display project details as vivid schedules, calendars, or resource graphs. FastTrack Schedule 8 also includes QuickStart templates, summary graphs, critical path highlighting, WBS, resource work calendars, legends, and FastSteps that automate repetitive steps and routine operations.

Computer operating systems:
  • Windows Me/98/95 or earlier
  • Windows NT/2000/XP
  • Macintosh
  • Palm OS
Software rating: n/a

AEC Software
22611-113 Markey Court
Sterling, VA 20166
Contact: VP, Marcom
Phone: 703-450-1980
Year business started: 1986

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