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Office Buildings
Property Management, Special
Real Estate Owned (REO)
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Project Management
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Project Management

Price: $439 - 539 | Upgrade: | Copies sold: 0 - 49
Current version: 1.00 | Year released: 2004 | Year updated: 2004

  • printed manual
  • on-line help

RiskyProject is a project planning, quantitative risk management, performance measurement software that project managers can use to plan and implement project with multiple risk and uncertainties. RiskyProject analyzes the project schedule and risk lists together, performs Monte Carlo simulations, and calculates the chance that project will be completed within a given period of time and budget. RiskyProject also determines critical risks and critical tasks, and presents the user with results in formats that are easy to read and understand. Project schedule with resources and cost can be created in RiskyProject or imported from Microsoft ® Project. RiskyProject employs Event Chain Methodology to analyze project uncertainties defined by multiple risks (events). In many cases, one event can cause other events, which significantly affect the project schedule. RiskyProject recalculates project schedule multiple times to computes distribution of possible outcomes and probabilities of getting the results. RiskyProject also allows the project manager to measure a project performance by comparing actual and baseline project schedule with taking into an account risks and uncertainties. RiskyProject can be useful for project managers in many industries, including information technology, engineering and construction, manufacturing, agriculture, pharmaceutical, petroleum and mining, and many others. RiskyProject is beneficial for managers of small teams who do not what want to concentrate on complex statistical analysis. It is an easy to use system with an intuitive interface, which hides its advanced mathematical calculations, and helps managers to make informed decisions. RiskyProject can be useful for managers of research and development projects, including software development managers, who run projects with multiple uncertainties

Computer operating systems:
  • Windows Me/98/95 or earlier
  • Windows NT/2000/XP
Software rating: n/a

Intaver Institute
303, 6707 Elbow Drive SW
Calgary, AB Canada T2V OE5
Contact: Michael Trumper
Phone: 403-692-2252
Year business started: 2001

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