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Office Buildings
Property Management, Special
Real Estate Owned (REO)
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Resort Management

Project Management

Price: varies | Upgrade: varies | Copies sold: 100 - 999
Current version: 4.7 | Year released: 2002 | Year updated: 2003

  • printed manual
  • on-line help
  • on disk

SLIM essentially sets the new standard for real estate inventory analysis and control. SLIM is a client-server based application that is compatible with Sql-Server and Oracle RDBMS platforms.

Written in Visual Basic, SLIM is compatible with industry standards and flexible enough to interface with other systems used in the real estate management process including accounts payable/receivable, general ledger, mapping/GIS, computer-aided design (CAD), human resources, maintenance & repairs as well as desktop applications such as Microsoft Office. SLIM equips the real estate professional to perform detailed analyses, prepare benchmark reports and tie all related corporate systems together into an enterprise solution to reduce operating costs and maximize return on investment.

SLIM has three primary tables for leased and owned property data. The primary tables are property, building/store and lease.

The system is organized so that you can look at properties that may contain more than one parcel of land and/or several stores. In addition, the user can analyze parcels of land that may have several stores on each parcel. Likewise, the user can track individual stores that may have multiple leases or subleases within each store. For example, you may want to look at information on a mall site. The following diagram explains how the data is organized.

SLIM's Leased and Owned Property Administration database tracks information and provides analysis in the following functional areas:

Property forms: property summary, property values, property documents/images, property taxes, property information, property/land usage, land survey, tickler/comments, user-defined information and property contacts.

Building/facility forms: buiding summary, ammenities/features, building/store detailed space, building/store expenses, services and maintenance, pictures and drawings, tickler/comments, user-defined information and building/store contacts.

Lease forms: lease summary, lease participants, lease amendments, subleasing and assignment, space allocation, rent components, financial summary, financial forecasting, lease options, lease abstract/clauses, operating expense/CAM, payment history, services/responsibilities, percentage rent/sales info, insurance information, document images, user-defined information, tickler/comments and lease contacts.

It should also be noted that SLIM has been designed so that screens and worksheets can easily be removed from the system if there is no immediate need to track specified data. Accordingly, if the portfolio is primarily leased properties, the system can be configured to focus on leased properties rather than owned properties and vice versa.

Users can track all of the same information for subleases that they can track for master leases. A variety of sublease reports are available including a report that identifies the revenue generated from a sublease and offset against the master lease commitment. SLIM's Sublease and Assignment screen identifies whether or not the lease is a sublease, the master lease ID, subleasing and assignment rights and much more.

NFG packages a third-party report writer with SLIM called Arpeggio Report Writer. The product was developed by Wall Data and has several hundred thousand users. Arpeggio Report Writer has repeatedly received industry awards for excellence and ease of use. NFG packages over 100 canned report templates that can be modified using a mouse under the Windows graphical environment (no programming is required). Groups of reports can be stored in libraries and each user can have an unlimited number of reports and/or libraries. The report writer employs a true WYSIWYG banded style report writing interface that allows the user to control all aspects of the report including sorting, subtotaling, query, font control, placement of lines and boxes, related table lookups, etc. You can report information from a single table or join up to 255 tables with subtotals up to ten layers deep (including grand totals).

SLIM's report writer also includes a unique "instant report" layout that, very simply, can create a columnar report from any table that you specify with only a few clicks of the mouse. All you have to do is pick the table to list and Report Writer will build a columnar report for as many columns as will fit, given the current paper source, default typeface, font and orientation. In addition, any numeric fields are automatically totaled.

Moreover, the report writer has a Report Wizard that allows you to create sophisticated columnar or grouped reports by following a simple pre-defined report generation process using "drag and drop" features.

With the run-time version of Report Writer field personnel or executive-level personnel can simply access a program manager group of report icons that have been predefined for their use to gain access to critical portfolio data. These users never even have to access the SLIM system to obtain information.

Reports can be directed to any device that Windows supports including local printers, network printers, fax modems or print image files. Printing to a file also has the benefit of being able to exchange the formatted report with other applications such Excel, Lotus, Word for Windows and Word Perfect®, etc.

Since the second quarter of 2000, NFG has been offering support for Crystal Reports.

Finally, NFG will provide customized training, maintenance and support services to system users to ensure knowledgeable system usage, technical service and system upgrades and enhancements.

Computer operating systems:
  • Windows Me/98/95 or earlier
  • Windows NT/2000/XP
  • Unix
  • Web based
  • Citrix Metaframe
Software rating: n/a

National Facilities Group, Inc.
One N. LaSalle Street, Suite 1800
Chicago, IL 60602
Contact: Timothy L. Henry
Phone: 312-223-9700
Year business started: 1989

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