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Software categories
Office Buildings
Property Management, Special
Real Estate Owned (REO)
Office Management
Project Management
Portfolio Management
Property Management
Quality Assurance
Renter Property Matching
Resort Management

Property Management

Price: contact company | Upgrade: free | Copies sold: 0 - 49
Current version: n/a | Year released: 2003 | Year updated: 2003

  • on-line help

Beacon(SM)is a web-based solution designed to incorporate all the data management needs of a property management enterprise in a framework that is both intuitive and user-friendly. Beacon is a fully integrated solution that includes accounting and management functions for leases, work orders, traffic, contacts, sales and other areas of operating a property management organization.

It is designed to handle residential, commercial and retail properties. Beacon will run in newer versions of a browser such as Microsoft Explorer® and requires no software installation. Subscription to Beacon comes with live telephone support and other services including security, mass storage, backup and database maintenance.

Computer operating systems:
  • Web based
Software rating: n/a

Mitchell Technologies, Inc.
1110 Crosspointe Lane
Building A, Suite D
Webster, NY 14580
Contact: Sales
Phone: 585-787-7870
Year business started: 2001

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