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Software categories
Office Buildings
Property Management, Special
Real Estate Owned (REO)
Office Management
Project Management
Portfolio Management
Property Management
Quality Assurance
Renter Property Matching
Resort Management

Property Management

Price: $150–$150,000 | Upgrade: $100 | Copies sold: 1,000 - 9,999
Current version: 4.3 | Year released: 1997 | Year updated: 2003

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Streamline property management with MANAGEMENT Plus™ for Windows®: the comprehensive, powerful, and affordable choice in property management software.

MANAGEMENT Plus features true 32-bit technology specifically designed for Windows 98/2000/NT/ME/XP. It’s easy to use, speeds up your processing time, and helps avoid costly errors on any size or type of property, including multi-family, condominium, subsidized/TRACS, tax credit, commercial, apartments, student housing, self-storage/mini warehouse, and others. Easily manage tens, hundreds, thousands and even tens of thousands of units.

Eliminate duplicate data entry and reduce paperwork for increased efficiency and to save time and money. Print and display more than 100 property reports, including occupancy, lease expiration, and financial status reports, plus a variety of mailings.

MANAGEMENT Plus integrates to popular accounting software, including QuickBooks,® Microsoft Great Plains,™ and others.

American Computer Software provides support plans for MANAGEMENT Plus that can be customized to meet your needs. All current support plans include updates and upgrades. All telephone support plans are unlimited.

Computer operating systems:
  • Windows Me/98/95 or earlier
  • Windows NT/2000/XP
Software rating: n/a

American Computer Software
2829 Royal Avenue
Madison, WI 53713
Contact: Sales Department
Phone: 800-527-9449 or 608-221-9449
Year business started: 1982

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