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Software categories
Office Buildings
Property Management, Special
Real Estate Owned (REO)
Office Management
Project Management
Portfolio Management
Property Management
Quality Assurance
Renter Property Matching
Resort Management

Property Management

Price: AUD$ 174 | Upgrade: free | Copies sold: 100 - 999
Current version: 3.0 | Year released: 2003 | Year updated: 2003

  • printed manual
  • on-line help

Property Expert Investment Analysis software that is Complete and easy to use!

PropX is completely easy to use property analysis software suite that allows you to produce comprehensive 40+ years’ projections for any type of real estate investment and present various analysis reports according to what-If scenarios.

This software will help you to understand the risks/rewards associated in a particular real estate investment and provide adequate projections to make informed decisions in terms of whether a particular real estate investment suite a particular investor needs and whether the investment is inline with investors’ expected goals.

In summary, the analysis reports will help you to determine:

Cost of holding a property on a weekly/monthly/yearly basis

Expected Tax savings due to negative gearing

Internal rate of return/return on equity over period of time

What are the risks involved

Understand the true cost involved in owning and maintaining a property

Computer operating systems:
  • Windows NT/2000/XP
Software rating: n/a

CN Global Pty Limited
32 Blackett Drive
Castle Hill, NSW AU 2154
Contact: Charuka
Phone: 61421336190
Year business started: 1999

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