Price: $120-$3,000 |
Upgrade: free |
Copies sold: 1,000 - 9,999
Current version: XP |
Year released: 2002 |
Year updated: 2003
Documentation: • on-line help
• on disk
Description: Rent Manager is a Windows-based property management software with full accounting (A/R, A/P, & G/L), work orders and powerful utility billing. Modern, easy, and intuitive.
Computer operating systems: • Windows Me/98/95 or earlier
• Windows NT/2000/XP
• Linux
• Macintosh
• Web based
Software rating: 5.00 (of 5) - 1 votes
London Computer Systems, Inc.
1007 Cottonwood Dr.
Loveland, OH 45140
Contact: Andy Williamson
Phone: 513-683-5824 http://www.rentmanager,com
Year business started: 1982
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