Price: contact company |
Upgrade: contact company |
Copies sold: 100 - 999
Current version: 2 |
Year released: 1999 |
Year updated: 2003
Documentation: on-line help
Description: Our Technology is turn-key solutions for the large or small retail property owner/manager. Allows for 24/7 updating of your retail website by someone with no knowledge of programming.
Ask about online store searches, events calendars, dynamic content now
Computer operating systems: Windows Me/98/95 or earlier
Windows NT/2000/XP
Software rating: n/a
1 Dundas Street West Suite 2500
Toronto, ON Canada M5G 1Z3
Contact: Sharon Reid
Phone: 416-363-4136
Year business started: 1994
REALTOR® -- A registered collective membership mark that identifies a real estate professional who is a member of the
National Association of REALTORS® and subscribes to its strict Code of Ethics.
NetReal Media is not affiliated with REALTOR®,
its logos or trademarks, being a third-party technology company providing Real Estate Web Design and e-Marketing solutions for Real Estate Agents and Brokers.
Thank you for your interest in Real Estate web design.