Price: $990 |
Upgrade: contact company |
Copies sold: 100 - 999
Current version: V5.0 |
Year released: 2002 |
Year updated: 2005
Documentation: • on-line help
Description: Modern, very fast, 32bit system for residential, commercial, holiday and sales trust accounting as a single trustor split trust. Network ready and supports Dot-matrix or Laser printers for receipts and laser for all other reports. Looks like a million dollars compared to other system. Built in SMS and EFT/DEFT Electronic funds transfer system. Backup to floppy, USB drives and burn to CD. Built in Offsite backup and support facilities. Maintains a seven-year history. Integrated repair system and expense system. Total holiday package with booking charts and upload bookings and rental vacancies to the web. The total solution from 20 to 2000 properties. Excellent security for staff control and complies with all relevant statuatory requirements.
Computer operating systems: • Windows NT/2000/XP
Software rating: n/a
Sherlock Software
1/43 Brisbane Water Drive
Point Clare
Gosford, NSW Australia 2250
Contact: Phil McGuinness
Phone: 02-43244929
Year business started: 1980
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