Price: $85 |
Upgrade: free |
Copies sold: 0 - 49
Current version: 1.2 |
Year released: 2003 |
Year updated: 2005 Description: Rent Roll Pro's Contact Manager is an invaluable sales management software tool for leasing agents of rental properties. It also suits the needs of real estate and other sales professionals.
This industrial strength sales and contact management software program included with Rent Roll Pro is now available for purchase separately.
Professionals need fast and easy tracking of sales leads and other important contacts. Rent Roll Pro's Contact Manager makes record keeping and managing information as easy as possible. Its powerful search mechanisms and traffic reports are just a few clicks away.
Rent Roll Pro's Contact Manager is expansive: up to 99,999 records are available -- each of which can be designated a contractor, current or previous resident; and each of which can belong to any or all categories and is marked with an entry date.
A contact can be as simple as just a name or also include multiple addresses and e-mail addresses, up to seven phone numbers, extensive notes, sales interests, lease application status, previous and/or current resident information, etc.
Contractor records include job types -- those for sales leads include property and optionally the unit or unit type desired; residents include the property name and the unit number; applicants include application status or results.
Version 1.2 has impressive capabilities:
• Copy previous and current residents with a click from Rent Roll Pro and copy contractors from property to property as easily.
• Custom Reports can be viewed, printed or exported; printed reports can include FHA Compliance Information.
• Enhanced Traffic Reports of sales leads include property, unit type or unit on printouts. Compliance Information can be included.
• Expanded Customizable categories allow tailoring the program to fit your specific needs.
• Powerful and intuitive searches help you find exactly who you are looking for with minimum effort.
• Undo unintentional changes to a contact's records.
• Fast navigation by record number through large sets of contacts.
• Time and/or date stamp a contact's notes with a single click.
Computer operating systems: Windows Me/98/95 or earlier
Windows NT/2000/XP
Software rating: n/a
Soft Green Corporation
1137 Gunter Circle
West Columbia, SC 29169
Contact: Bob Ginn
Phone: 770-258-4637
Year business started: 1995
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