Price: $599.99 |
Upgrade: $799.99 |
Copies sold: 100 - 999
Current version: 2.1.7 |
Year released: 2004 |
Year updated: 2005
Documentation: on disk
Description: The Dominator 2.1.7C lets you create up to six scenes per tour. Excellent when wanting to do a large house or commercial property. The EVH Dominator creates no blind spot tours -- meaning every inch of any room; apartment, house, commercial building or place can be seen. The EVH Dominator 2.1.7C is the next generation imaging solution from the world’s only True 360º virtual tour program. Leveraging almost six years of experience in developing solutions for interactive photography markets, The EVH Dominator 2.1.7C has been designed from the bottom-up to be a robust and expandable platform upon which business and creative needs of true-360º photography users would be comprehensively addressed. The EVH Dominator 2.1.7C brings together into a single solution the core set of tools needed to create high quality and compelling images that capture every detail within an environment.
Aimed at professional realtors, photographers, multimedia artist and photography enthusiasts worldwide, EVH Dominator enables the creation of high-quality, professional-level EVH virtual tours in just a few clicks. EVH virtual tours inter-operates smoothly and easily with Adobe® Photoshop®, the reference application in image editing, for maximum control and the freedom to personalize and create the EVH virtual tours you want. The new EVH Dominator 2.1.7 puts total control in your hands when building an EVH virtual tour. The EVH Dominator 2.1.7C works just like an art program -- meaning you can build your tours and fix any mistakes that you made with the tripod not being level.
Computer operating systems: Windows Me/98/95 or earlier
Windows NT/2000/XP
Software rating: 5.00 (of 5) - 1 votes
EVH Software Solutions
221-29-105th. Ave
Queens Village, NY 11429
Contact: Rich Wilson Jr.
Phone: 718-730-0887
Year business started: 1999
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