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Added: July 4, 2007
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How To Profit From Internet Article Marketing

[ by James Comer ]
Internet marketing is defined as a type of advertising which businesses engage in by circulating short articles. Internet article marketing works very well. Did you ever think about why there have been a lot of article directories appearing everywhere on the internet for the past year? Internet article marketing is a wonderful way to get lots of interested traffic to your blog or website. By using articles to market your site, you'll save lots of money by not having to spend money on advertising services. Depending on how competitive your niche is, the costs can begin to add up very quickly. Often times you end up with a negative return on your investment. This can be easily overcome by using internet article marketing.

When you use article marketing effectively, you'll soon become recognized by others as an expert in your particular niche.

Internet article marketing builds many incoming back-links to your website which will benefit you with lots more targeted visitors in the long run.

How Does Internet Article Marketing Work?

As you know, the world wide web is made up of many websites. These sites all contain content. People search for content about a specific subject. They find the information by using a search engine. What search engines do is 'spider' or 'crawl' the internet visiting each page. They take this content and index it using the descriptions and keywords found on the page.

The search engines are able to give you the best information possible by carefully indexing and cataloging what they find by using the information that they discovered when they were crawling the internet. The information that they provide to you has to closely relate to the search term that you used as well as be accurate. When written well, articles are considered a very good source of information.

If a website is to keep it's visitors returning on a regular basis, the webmaster must provide their visitors with interesting, timely, and accurate information. These factors are vitally important for someone who maintains a website or blog on a daily basis. If the webmaster wants to climb high and remain there in the search results for his particular niche, he has to post new information to his site every day.

I'm sure you can see that making posts every day can take a lot of valuable time. So, in order to keep up, the blogger supplements his content with quality articles written by other people. They find these articles on article directories.

Ok, What Is An Article Directory?

An article directory is composed of a big database of articles about a variety of subjects in a variety of categories. People who write articles are encouraged to submit their articles there. Webmasters, that's usually you- are able to gather free articles for posting on their own websites as long as they credit the original author by leaving the resource box intact including the author's links. Article directories hold alot of information about almost any subject that you can think up. There are probably some subjects that you probably haven't even thought of that you could find there.

You'll find specialized article directories which only accept articles whose subject is about certain niches such as computer technology, or skin care. You just need to read the submission rules and each directory to see what is permissible and what is not. Most topics are allowed as long as they don't promote hate speech or advocate violence.

What Do I Get Back For Giving the Articles that I've Written to an Article Directory?

At the end of each article there is a place where the author can place his or her 'resource box'. This resource box contains a short blurb of one or two sentences about the author as well as a sentence or two with a link embedded pointing them to the blog, or website of the author for more information regarding the subject that the article was written about.

Submitting your articles to an article directory has many benefits. You not only get free marketing from it, but you get lots of exposure. You can turn yourself into an expert. It creates a win-win situation for both you and the publishers that get to use your articles.

Research is Important

Like any leg of internet marketing, internet article marketing is not any different. You'll do some research on the topic area of the articles that you intend to write. This research is very easy to do. Visiting forums and visiting websites which center around your chosen subject will provide you with alot of information from which to write an article of between 250-750 words.

Ok, Now That I've Written My Article, What Next?

You should post your article on your own blog or put it on your website, first. Then wait for a couple of weeks or a month until your article is crawled by the search engines. You'll be able ton find out if your article has been indexed by searching for your article's title in the search engines. When you find it, then you can submit it to the article directories. The reason you would want to do it this way is that you'll want to avoid duplicate content possible.

Are you Serious? Wait A Month?

Well, there is one new method of writing and submitting your article(s) to your own blog as well as about 700+ different article directories whereby each article directory will get a unique version of your article virtually eliminating any worries of duplicate content. It's called Unique Article Wizard and it's so secret right now that I can't even tell you about it here because I signed a confidentiality agreement. If you'd like more information about it, please check below in my resource box to learn more.



James Comer is a freelance writer who writes articles about things that interest him on the net. Discover a 100% legitimate way to TOTALLY DOMINATE your niche. Go now to Unique Article Wizard.This and other unique content advertising articles are available with free reprint rights.

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