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Added: March 5, 2007
Article rating: 2.67 (of 5) - 3 votes

7 Tips to Real Estate Agent's Success: Tip #7 - Find A Mentor Or Real Estate Coach

In real estate, going it alone is not easy. Taking the time to find a mentor can help you steer through some of the known obstacles and support you during those "peaks and valleys." If you have the resources, you may wish to hire a real estate coach or an executive coach who specializes in small business help. ... full article
Added: March 5, 2007
Article rating: n/a (of 5) - 0 votes

7 Tips to Real Estates' Agent Success: Tip Number 3 - Research Your Market Plan

The real estate agent is responsible for his or her marketing expenses. Therefore, doing the research specific to the marketing plan within the strategic plan is critical to earning a positive return on investment. Time spent in constructing the marketing plan is definitely well spent. NOTE: Remember a business plan usually is financially data driven, while a strategic plan not only integrates financial data, but identifies who does what by when through specific W.H.Y. S.M.A.R.T. goals. ... full article
Added: March 5, 2007
Article rating: 3.38 (of 5) - 13 votes

7 Tips To Real Estate Agent's Success: Tip #2 - Embrace A Planning Attitude

As a real estate agent, if you don't have a real estate business plan, then you are on some else's plan - usually the successful real estate agent. Most people place more value in planning a trip to the grocery store or a vacation than planning their lives either professionally or personally. ... full article
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