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Added: June 14, 2006
Article rating: 3.88 (of 5) - 8 votes

That Abominable Four-Letter Word

There is no such thing as a 'riskless' investment, certainly not in real estate. And if there was, common sense dictates that it would not offer sufficient return to justify its existence. Risk and reward are closely linked. For the most part, the higher the perceived risk of an investment, the higher its potential reward. ... full article
Added: June 2, 2006
Article rating: 4.29 (of 5) - 48 votes

Choose Your Words Carefully

Mark Twain sagely noted that "The difference between the right word and the almost right word is the difference between the lightning and the lightning bug."

Choosing the right words is essential for crafting professional business communications. ... full article
Added: May 16, 2006
Article rating: 4.2 (of 5) - 10 votes

7 Signs That It's Time To Fire A Client

It's an issue faced by business owners worldwide - having to let go of, or "fire" a client. When I started my business, it's not a situation I ever thought I would face, as I was happy to take on almost anyone that wanted to hire me. ... full article
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