One of the occasional and more serious complaints from clients that I used to hear as a real estate lawyer was that the house buying process passed them by.
Usually, this was followed by a complaint that the real estate professional really didn't work for their money..
The end result for the real estate professional was that here was a client that was not going to return in the future. Either the client would hire another Real Estate Agent and negotiate very hard on commissions or else they would go the FSBO or discount route. In either case, the result is an additional force on Real Estate professionals to decrease fees in order to win work.
Well, there are some things that are beyond your control in preventing this situation, such as the work of the opposing Real Estate Agent and how the buyers and sellers react to negotiations. However, there are a number of things that you can do that will help alleviate this situation and help prevent it from arising. The end result is happier clients overall and more repeat business.
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