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Added: March 14, 2006
Article rating: 4 (of 5) - 5 votes

Optimize Your Mailing List For Better Results

A list of customers who have previously bought from you is your most important asset. These are the customers who will provide you with return business, which is more profitable than the first sale. Are you getting the most from your customer list? There are some secrets you should know, so you can squeeze the most benefits out of your mailing list. ... full article
Added: February 27, 2006
Article rating: 3.19 (of 5) - 52 votes

Direct Mail Letter Design Tips For Improved Lead Generation Response

Successful sales people dress their best when in front of prospects. And so do successful sales letters. Here are some tested sales letter design and layout tips, some of them from direct mail designer Ted Kikoler, and excerpted from The Lead Generation Handbook by Bob Bly. ... full article
Added: February 27, 2006
Article rating: 4.2 (of 5) - 5 votes

Surviving Your Moment of Truth: Three Effective Ways To Open A Sales Letter

Your direct mail package clears a major hurdle as your prospect opens the envelope. One hand reaches in and pulls out the letter while the other sets the envelope aside. Unfolded now and in full view, the reader glances down at the first couple of lines. ... full article
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