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Added: June 26, 2006
Article rating: 3.68 (of 5) - 41 votes

A Better Way Of Finding Hot Real Estate Leads

If you're a real estate agent, you must have said this more than once: "There has got to be a better way for finding leads." And you are not alone. Every single agent's mind has crossed this idea for the simple reason that looking for leads is about the most tedious task there is in the real estate business. ... full article
Added: June 14, 2006
Article rating: 1.33 (of 5) - 3 votes

What Is Lead Generation?

Lead Generation is vital to all businesses. All companies try to attract new customers, and this is a kind of lead generation. Lead generation includes anything that a business does to gather a list of new or potential clients and involves a number of techniques used to create interest in potential customers. Some techniques commonly used for lead generation are direct mail, telemarketing, requests for proposals, requests for quotes, referrals, trade show demonstrations, seminars, and advertising. ... full article
Added: June 14, 2006
Article rating: 4 (of 5) - 32 votes

Real Estate Investing: Where Do I Get My Leads?

A short summary of lead generation techniques for real estate investors. Includes Bandit Signs, Classifieds, Direct Mail, and Housing Court. The most important aspect of real estate investing in my eyes is lead generation, because without leads you will not be able to make any deals. This in turn will lead to no money in your pocket and to the ultimate failure of your real estate investing business. ... full article
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