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Pricing: contact company | Current Version: 8.8.0 | Year Release:1986

TCL™ (The Construction Lender) from London Bridge Group - The Leading US Construction Lending Solution

TCL is the most widely accepted and "proven product" in the industry, as evidenced by its use and success in many of the top construction lenders in America today.

• 70 percent [...]
Pricing: $750–$4,500 | Current Version: 5.5 | Year Release:1979

You don't have to know computer jargon to make the most of Master Contractor. This accounting program guides the user step-by-step through each transaction by asking the right questions in easy-to-understand language. Master Contractor was designed by contractors, especially for contractors, to fit the [...]
Pricing: $169 | Current Version: 2003 | Year Release:1985

Threshold BuilderForms & Contracts include builder contracts, subcontractor contracts, scope of work forms, specifications, FHA/VA forms, checklists, financial forms, change orders and estimates.

If you printed one copy of the 100+ contracts and forms, it would print out in excess of 350 pages [...]

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