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Pricing: $9,900 | Current Version: 3.6.0 | Year Release:1998

Construction Lending for Windows (CL4W) is an easy-to-use construction loan tracking and fund control system designed to meet the needs of most construction lenders. The capabilities of CL4W equal or exceed other systems that cost much more.

With CL4W you can have up-to-date information and [...]
Pricing: $9,995 | Current Version: 3.01 | Year Release:2000

DrawSoft Advanced Construction Lending Software is the easiest to use and most intuitive product on the market today. It not only handles your loan accounting needs, but your document and forms needs as well. Forms and Word type documents all reside in one location and are automatically populated with [...]
Pricing: $495 | Current Version: 2004 | Year Release:2003

The revolutionary construction scheduling software for builders that helps you manage your construction projects and ensures your jobs stay on schedule.

Finally, an easy to load, easy to use, user-friendly construction scheduling software system specifically designed by professionals from the [...]

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