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Cost Management

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Pricing: varies | Current Version: 4.x | Year Release:2002

With installations all over the United States, KeyTrak Multifamily Plus is the world's leading computerized key control system for the multihousing industry.

KeyTrak systems help reduce liability and increase your residents' peace of mind by securing keys and tracking their use. A 100% verifiable [...]
Pricing: $115 | Current Version: 4 | Year Release:1999

RECOVER printing costs quickly and efficiently with Print Audit 4. In the past, organizations used to calculate how much to charge their clients for out-of-pocket expenses by manually tracking print volumes. This method was unreliable, time-consuming and screamed out for automation. Print Audit 4 gives [...]
Pricing: $995 | Current Version: 3.5 | Year Release:1995

Projecto is for any corporation or institution with a list of projects that need to be kept under control. Projecto can be used for simple tasks such as creating an agenda for your weekly project team meeting, plus more complex activities such as detailed tracking of budget line items, and changes to [...]

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